people worshipping in church service

Join Our Worship Experience


Sundays @ 12PM Est.

11711 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46236

Join us for an in-person worship experience, Sundays at noon! Come fellowship with your Fresh Springs family. You can also catch us online on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 7PM Est. (Coming June 2023)

Join us every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month for our Feed On The Word Bible Study. We begin with interactive activities followed by time in the word. You can watch and interact from one of our three digital campuses starting at 7:30pm est. Log into Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram to feed on the word with us!

Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

Life Groups

NextGen Youth Life Group
When: Every First Friday @ 6:30pm est.
Where: Fresh Springs Ministries (in-person)

Kingsman Men’s Life Group
When: Every First Saturday @ 10am est.
Where: Fresh Springs Ministries (in-person)

Pow(HER) Women’s Life Group
When: Every Second Saturday @ 10am est.
Where: Fresh Springs Ministries (in-person)

Marriage Life Group

When: Every Last Saturday @ 10am est.
Where: Fresh Springs Ministries (in-person)

Life groups cater to various groups of people to learn specific things that serve their lives well and empowers them to live and work better for the kingdom of God. Life groups include groups for women, men, children, grieving spouse, business owners and corporate executives, and more. More information about life groups and how to get involved will be updated soon.

What To Expect

Visitors - We are excited to welcome you and your family to Fresh Springs Ministries. We understand that many people want to be anonymous and simply experience the worship service, and that’s fine with us! So come in, enjoy corporate worship, and determine (through prayer) if this is the church for your family. You will not be asked to stand up, identify yourself, or anything else that might make you feel uncomfortable. We appreciate your attendance and pray you will return.

During Worship - Our services start with a time of reflection via corporate prayer led by our prayer team. Whether you remain at your seat or come to the altar, this is an opportunity to cast your cares on God and prepare your heart for worship. We then engage in songs of praise and worship led by our praise team and musicians.

Following praise & worship, Pastor Andre D. Lee teaches an engaging and transformative message rooted in the Word of God. Immediately following the message, Pastor Andre provides an opportunity for attendees to make a salvation and/or membership decision.

What We Believe - Click Here to learn more.

Dress Code - Our members and guests wear everything from t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers to dresses and suits. We want you to be comfortable and enjoy worship. We’re just excited for you to join us!